2010年9月6日 星期一

「Light Blossom」光合之花

So perfect .. wonderful...
╭╯ΘΘ  �
Yours, Susan 小C 合十
善念能將夙業解  清心自有妙香聞
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
What matters is what something is, not what it is called



"Light Blossom" street light when sunlight illumination, can bloom just like the flowers, flower petal slow opening, the collection solar energy, and resembles the sunflower to face the sun, in order to help gain energy. This section street light not yet the inputs produce, we anticipated will be able soon to see such environmental protection in the street the vista. When the wind sways, "Light Blossom" the flower petal can upward contract, because of wind power slow revolving, has the energy. Night the time-sharing, the entire lamp contracts "the calyx", the inside LED lantern festival sends out the suitable light, reduces "the light pollution", when the people pass through, the light can throw automatically toward the people is at.

Light Blossom」路燈在陽光照射時,會宛如花朵般綻放,花瓣緩慢的張開,



當風兒吹拂的時候,「Light Blossom」的花瓣會往上收縮,藉由風力緩慢旋轉,

產生能量。夜晚時分,整盞燈收縮成「花苞」,裡頭的 LED 燈會散發合宜的光線,





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