2010年9月13日 星期一

好捨不得哦 ...她還那麼小 就得承受

╭╯ΘΘ  �
Yours, Susan 小C 合十
善念能將夙業解  清心自有妙香聞
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
What matters is what something is, not what it is called

母就可得到 3 分錢 (美金 )贊助 !  
When you forward this email to the person you know, the baby's parent will get US$0.03/mail support.

Please forward this email and help her.

她是14 個月大的女嬰, 一埸大火的生還者 , 毀了半個臉 .... 現每位傳送這郵件 , 女嬰父母就可得到 3 分錢 (美金 )贊助
She is only 14 month baby girl, survival from a fire accident, a half face was burnned, everyone who forward this email, the girl's parent will get US$0.03 support.

The sunshine fundation of Taiwan doesn't have enough budget to promote this case on TV, and some people just like the baby you have saw in this email really need a hand from you.

Any question, please ask the following link. Sunshine Fundation.







喜 樂 的 心 、 乃 是 良 藥 . 憂 傷 的 靈 、 使 骨 枯 乾 。
A glad heart makes a healthy body, but a crushed spirit makes the bones dry.
<箴 言 Proverbs 17:22>



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